According to the dictionary of food is aware of the selection of foods for control of body weight or nutrient intake.nowadays there are many forms of food, such as cleaning regimes for models, Celebrity Diet a model of nutrition or metabolism boosters. Diet is not complete without a healthy diet exercise regime.A success is often several variations of a diet with an emphasis on part intake.a high fiber diet and your mind must be a lift and make you feel better physically and mentally.there things to do Diet: <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: Bold"> Increase your metabolism < / span> <br /> <br />; Studies show that after 30, women lose 1 / 2 pound of muscle per year and receive the same amount in fat! Of course, in the gym and eating well is important, but you can also use your body to work for you. Increase your metabolism, reducing your consumption of alcohol, for example, means that even if you are at peace that you burn calories. Here are some good ideas that my friends in the modeling used. <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: Bold"> you not starve! </ span> <br /> <br /> If you have a diet less than 1000 calories, the body is in "starvation mode" which slows your metabolism.As and feel tired and groggy , goes to far fewer calories than usual, and even more difficult for them to lose weight! The answer is to eat sustainable diet, but never of your body, press the "panic button" in the way it is counterproductive.Also sure to eat breakfast. If you pass, your body is in its "hunger" mode earlier in the day, and it is difficult. To make your metabolism working throughout the day, eat small, low-calorie snacks between meals. <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: Bold"> Reduce your consumption of alcohol </ span> <br /> <br /> Studies show that alcohol suppresses the body's own ability to burn fat.It can be completely cut off from alcohol an active social life, so why not even try to limit to one glass per night. If you do a high volume, low-alcohol beverages (beer alleviated, for example) you can make it easier, through the evening!