I have one product on my books that I am very dubious about. I don't know if it will make me any money. I believe it is a good product in principal but i don't know. It has low gravity and there is not much competition but I don't know call it a gut feeling or something. I might have to bump it with one I have my eye on. I will let it run though for about 30 articles and see what sort of response I get from them.
Apart from that not much happening until these articles clear EZA which hopefully should be tomorrow. Oh yeah almost forgot Once they clear EZA will be submitting them to about 5 other directories the ones I have so far are Articlesbase ( which has been very good to me in the past 15 sales in 2 weeks from 12 articles ), Go articles, searchwarp, buzzle and isnare if anyone can suggest any better directories I am always open to ideas.
Anyway will wrap this up today and will post back again tomorrow and let you know if they have been accepted yet then we can get this journal pumping.

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